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081 Marketing Fail: Sherwin-Williams Vs. Ocean Spray

081 Marketing Fail: Sherwin-Williams Vs. Ocean Spray

In today’s episode, we dig into two how two companies approached a viral situation. First, Ocean Spray’s positive trendjack in response to Nathan Apodaca’s viral TikTok video. Second, is how Sherwin-Williams fired an employee who created viral Tiktok videos mixing paints. We ask the seminal question, how can you be more like Ocean Spray?

Marketing Wins and Fails

When Nathan Apodaca’s Tik Tok video went viral (he was skateboarding, drinking his Ocean Spray, singing Fleetwood Mac’s “Dreams”), newly appointed Ocean Spray CEO, Tom Hayes took action. It was the trendjack of the year and Tom Hayes took it to a whole new level. It ultimately gave Ocean Spray positive PR. 

Now, on the other hand, when Tony Piloseno, an Ohio University senior, who worked part-time at Sherwin Williams created a set of popular paint videos on TikTok, he got fired. What’s worse: Piloseno said he actually pitched Sherwin Williams Corporate Marketing Team the idea of being more active on TikTok with some of his videos. 

“Piloseno says it took TWO MONTHS to get in touch with corporate marketing and they ‘basically told me that there wasn’t really any promotions going onso there wasn’t a need to see the presentation.’ %$#@!!!!” – Christopher Lochhead

What Savvy CEOs and CMOs Do

Do you work for a company like Ocean Spray or Sherwin Williams? If you want to be more like Ocean Spray, how do we do that? Most companies today, if they are smart, they have social media marketing departments trying to create what this guy has created.

“Savvy CEOs and CMOs invest heavily in creating legendary digital content. leaders want to share knowledge, they have a point of view, and as a result, they are mobilizing communities, they are creating movements and ultimately, they are growing their category and brands through a thought leadership owned media and earned media strategy.” – Christopher Lochhead

Seminal Questions To Ask

Christopher narrates one of his conversations with Robert Rosenberg, the former CEO of Dunkin Donuts. He and his team capitalized on one franchisee discovering a potential product, the munchkins and that is a great example providing support to your team. 

“This brings us three seminal questions for all of us Marketers, number 1, are you building an Ocean Spray or Sherwin Williams-like culture? Number 2, are you encouraging radical creativity amongst your people and number? Number 3, are you building a digital owned media strategy and capability?” – Christopher Lochhead

To know more about marketing fail: Sherwin-Williams Vs. Ocean Spray story, download and listen to this episode.


Christopher Lochhead is a #1 Apple podcaster and #1 Amazon bestselling co-author of books: Niche Down and Play Bigger.

He has been an advisor to over 50 venture-backed startups; a former three-time Silicon Valley public company CMO and an entrepreneur.

Furthermore, he has been called “one of the best minds in marketing” by The Marketing Journal, a “Human Exclamation Point” by Fast Company, a “quasar” by NBA legend Bill Walton and “off-putting to some” by The Economist.

In addition, he served as a chief marketing officer of software juggernaut Mercury Interactive. Hewlett-Packard acquired the company in 2006, for $4.5 billion.

He also co-founded the marketing consulting firm LOCHHEAD; was the founding CMO of Internet consulting firm Scient, and served as head of marketing at the CRM software firm Vantive.

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Lochhead on Marketing™! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and subscribe on Apple Podcast! You may also subscribe to his newsletter, The Difference, for some amazing content.

071 We Reserve The Right To Refuse Service

071 We Reserve The Right To Refuse

One listener writes: “This is such a confusing time and people are on edge. There’s a lot of arguing and mistrust in the US. It seems like we see more people acting out. In our case, we’ve had some customers behave really badly. When is it okay to turn a customer away?”

In this episode, Christopher shares his views on this matter about your right, as a business, to refuse service to customers.

What The Law Says

The law states that you are allowed to refuse anybody’s service, but you can’t do it on the basis of color, race, gender, sexual orientation, and other subjects along those lines. What Christopher advises is to seek legal advice and make sure to have consistent guidelines to enforce on your business, so your employees are well-guided.

“I think it’s okay to refuse service to Anybody who’s being a shithead and we had a situation happen here in the Santa Cruz Monterey Bay Area.” – Christopher Lochhead

Kicked Out Due To Bad Behavior 

Christopher shares an incident that happened recently in a restaurant in Santa Cruz Monterey Bay Area called Bernardus Lodge where an Asian-American was spending their Fourth of July holiday. A Tech CEO, named Michael Lofthouse, who was also dining in, gave out racial slurs to the family.

The restaurant attendant, Gennica Cochran, immediately asked Michael to leave the premises to protect their customers.

“Number one, the folks at the who run the Bernardus Lodge have some core values and that in one way or another, whether it was formal or informal, they had communicated to their team, including, of course, Gennica Cochran and that there were certain behaviors they would tolerate. Racism, acting out and being an asshole clearly was something they were not going to allow. Gennica felt empowered to do that. I don’t know if she asked for permission. I don’t know what she did. But she took action.” – Christopher Lochhead

Please Wear A Mask

Christopher also shares some of his personal experience with enforcing wearing a mask. He is  a strong supporter of this and he has received some backlash because of being vocal about it

“If you don’t like me, or you don’t want to listen to my podcast, because I’m trying to promote wearing masks in the United States, that’s okay. I think whatever the issue is, there comes a time in our lives as people and as business leaders, where we have to be clear about our core values and stand up for them.” – Christopher Lochhead

To hear more about having the right to refuse customers, download and listen to this episode.


Christopher Lochhead is a #1 Apple podcaster and #1 Amazon bestselling co-author of books: Niche Down and Play Bigger.

He has been an advisor to over 50 venture-backed startups; a former three-time Silicon Valley public company CMO and an entrepreneur.

Furthermore, he has been called “one of the best minds in marketing” by The Marketing Journal, a “Human Exclamation Point” by Fast Company, a “quasar” by NBA legend Bill Walton and “off-putting to some” by The Economist.

In addition, he served as a chief marketing officer of software juggernaut Mercury Interactive. Hewlett-Packard acquired the company in 2006, for $4.5 billion.

He also co-founded the marketing consulting firm LOCHHEAD; was the founding CMO of Internet consulting firm Scient, and served as head of marketing at the CRM software firm Vantive.


The Right to Refuse Service: Can a Business Refuse Service to Someone?

San Francisco tech CEO kicked out of Carmel Valley restaurant following racist rant caught on camera

Ford CEO defends law enforcement use of Police Interceptor vehicle

Ford CEO Jim Hackett

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Lochhead on Marketing™! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and subscribe on iTunes! You may also subscribe to his newsletter, The Difference, for some amazing content.

130 Grumpy Old Geek Jason DeFillippo

130 Grumpy Old Geek Jason DeFillippo

He’s back! Podcast legend and co-host of Grumpy Old Geeks podcast, Jason DeFillippo joins us for another dynamic conversation about deep fakes, streaming services, and tech that will or will not change your life in 2020.

Deep Fakes and Video Editing

Undeniably Christopher’s favorite topic with Jason, they talk about deep fakes and astounding editing to produce fake news. Christopher cites a Forbes article about CNN Reporter Jim Acosta allegedly pushing a White House intern. 

“It was edited to remove 2-3 frames of the film, to speed up, when he pushed the person and they removed the ‘pardon me, ma’am’ out of the audio. That was just creative editing.” – Jason DeFellippo

Moreover, there was also another video circulating the interwebs that make it look like Sarah Sanders was intoxicated in public. It doesn’t end there because they also talk about Gal Gadot, the most recent actor to play WonderWoman, who apparently appeared in a porn video. Clearly another deep fake.

Have You Heard About “Hearables?”

Apparently, hearables are the new category king and queen for 2020 as different brands introduced a “smart” earbuds. Although Christopher is a fan of the attempt to create a new category, Jason says the products really mean nothing.

“That’s the thing, they’re not smart. They are just conduit to your phone. If you go out without your phone, they don’t work. they get real dumb, real fast.” – Jason DeFellippo

Aside from this, Jason rants about adding more gadgets to charge. He says he has 7 gadgets at the moment and he would prefer using wired earphones/plugs due to the sound quality. 

The Field of Streams

Jason shares that around 7 years ago, on his podcast Grumpy Old Geeks, they have predicted this will happen. Everybody saw the popularity of Netflix and all the content creators decided they should make their own platforms. 

“I think we’re going to see consolidation coming. People are going to start doing deals with each other to get bundling packages.” – Jason DeFellippo

Jason also predicted that households would just pay for around 3 streaming service, max. 

To hear more information about Jason DeFellippo and to listen to more of his comments on deep fakes, tech for 2020 and streaming services, download and listen to the episode.


Jason is a full-time podcast producer and editor for The Jordan Harbinger Show as well as the Creator and Co-host of the Grumpy Old Geeks Podcast.

Jason has been building websites since the early days in 1994 for clients that range from small businesses to million dollar websites for blockbuster films to his own start-ups.

In 1994 he created the groundbreaking website Spewww which was nominated for a Webby in the first year the awards were held in 1998.

In 1995 a new media company in Santa Monica moved him out to Los Angeles to build the first website for Epson America.

Since then Jason has launched over 250 websites for major corporations like Paramount Pictures, Sony, Warner Brothers, and Disney. 

He also created the two time SXSW Weblog Award-winning Blogrolling service as well as co-founded the global blog network Metroblogging.

He has worked at several startups in San Francisco including Technorati and 8020 Media, the publishers of, and statistical aggregator Metricly.


Website – Jason DeFillippo




Website: Grumpy Old Geeks

Jordan Harbinger Show

Some of the topics covered:

It’s All Fun And Games Until Someone Gets Hurt: The Implications Of Deepfakes

Tech That Will Change Your Life in 2020

The future is ear: Why “hearables” are finally tech’s next big thing

The Great Streaming Battle Is Here. No One Is Safe

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Follow Your Different™! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and subscribe on iTunes!

026 Ryan Reynolds Legendary Peloton Trendjack For Gin Brand

026 Ryan Reynolds Legendary Peloton Trendjack For Gin Brand

On episode #023 with Paul Maher, we popped the hood on the secret marketing / PR black art of Trendjacking. Recently, actor Ryan Reynolds (aka Marvel’s Deadpool) who also owns the brand, Aviation American Gin, just pulled off the trendjack of the year. Let’s break down the 8 reasons why this was a legendary trend jack.

The Peloton Ad

The Peloton Ad shows a rich couple, with the husband, giving his thin wife an exercise bike. There was a public uproar as reaction to the ad. In fact, Business Insider reported: “Peloton’s nightmare before Christmas: $1.5 billion vanished from its market value in 3 days amid holiday ad backlash.”

Additionally, Busines Insider reported “backlash over a holiday ad that has been widely panned as sexist, tone-deaf, and dystopian.”  This forced Peloton to cut the cost of a monthly subscription to its workout apps.

Trendjack of the Year

Actor, celebrity, and owner of Aviation American Gin, Ryan Reynolds, pulled off, what Christopher claims, as the trendjack of the year. What he and his team did was, they inserted themselves into the controversy around the recent Peloton Bike Ad.

For less than $100K, they hired the actor who played the wife and shot a response ad.

“The ad is funny. It captures what it’s like to break up with somebody. It’s a real jab on Peloton and they never even mentioned the name Peloton.” – Christopher Lochhead

8 Reasons Why It’s Legendary

  1. They found a way to trendjack the biggest Ad flop of the year
  2. Radically FAST: They acted in a matter of days.
  3. Aviation’s response is pitch-perfect. People loved their response as opposed to the original,  which was way off-pitch. 
  4. Radically creative. In the ad, she has clearly left her husband who bought her the Peloton.
  5. The ad was built to be viral. It was posted on social media, starting on Ryan Reynolds’s Twitter.
  6. This was a move that is virtually impossible for their major competitors, such as Beefeater or Tanqueray, to pull off.
  7. They did it in “less that $100K.” (NY Times)
  8. This ad made them the good guys. Yahoo reports: “Ryan Reynolds says he hired actress from viral Peloton ad because backlash can be ‘alienating’”

“This example begs the question: how can we be radically smart, radically creative and radically fast to trendjack the news to build our brand and category?” – Christopher Lochhead

To hear more about Ryan Reynolds Legendary Peloton Trendjack For Gin Brand, download and listen to the episode.


Christopher Lochhead is a #1 Apple podcaster and #1 Amazon bestselling co-author of books: Niche Down and Play Bigger.

He has been an advisor to over 50 venture-backed startups; a former three-time Silicon Valley public company CMO and an entrepreneur.

Furthermore, he has been called “one of the best minds in marketing” by The Marketing Journal, a “Human Exclamation Point” by Fast Company, a “quasar” by NBA legend Bill Walton and “off-putting to some” by The Economist.

In addition, he served as a chief marketing officer of software juggernaut Mercury Interactive. Hewlett-Packard acquired the company in 2006, for $4.5 billion.

He also co-founded the marketing consulting firm LOCHHEAD; was the founding CMO of Internet consulting firm Scient, and served as head of marketing at the CRM software firm Vantive.


Aviation American Gin

New York Times: Peloton’s Cringe-y Ad Got Everyone Talking. Its C.E.O. Is Silent. But the “Deadpool” star Ryan Reynolds describes how he found a way into the conversation.

AdWeek: “Greatest Sequel Ever”

Business Insider: Peloton’s nightmare before Christmas: $1.5 billion vanished from its market value in 3 days amid holiday ad backlash

Yahoo: Ryan Reynolds says he hired actress from viral Peloton ad because backlash can be ‘alienating’

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Lochhead on Marketing™! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and subscribe on iTunes! You may also subscribe to his newsletter, The Difference, for some amazing content.

086 Grumpy Old Geek Stuff: Jason DeFillippo

086 Grumpy Old Geek Stuff: Jason DeFillippo

He’s back! Podcast legend and co-host of Grumpy Old Geeks podcast, Jason DeFillippo joins us for another dynamic conversation about the world of podcasting. They also touched a few recent topics about “who should be allowed at Disney World,” “why FaceApp is scarier than Facebook and Instagram” and many more!

Podcasting Is Alive!

In episode 006, Jason DeFillippo joined Christopher Lochhead to discuss a lot of random but viral topics. In this episode, DeFillippo did not disappoint as he shared his views on a lot of topics, firstly, about podcasting. 

“Those people are like you and I, we stick around and we get through the tough times. We’re not here to make a quick buck. We’re not here to turn a profit on 10 episodes or 6 episodes, on an iPhone on a library. You gotta put in the work.” – Jason DeFillippo

DeFillippo shared his comments about news writers who dub podcasting as dead. In unison, Lochhead shared statistics to prove that podcasting is, indeed, growing. They exchanged stories as hosts, such as their experiences with booking and rejecting guests and advertisers.

“I’m a craftsman, I’m an artist. I love to make new things. I love to try new things, that’s why I love podcasting. There’s always something new to learn but people who come into this, all they want to do is make money and that’s almost everybody that’s coming in now.” – Jason DeFillippo

Viral Issues: Where do you stand?

For a breather, Lochhead cites some viral stories and takes the standpoint of DeFillippo. 

Lochhead cites the Disney rant — where a mom’s rant about long queues and childless millennials in Disney World, goes viral. They also discussed Apple’s Siri recordings apparently sent out to contractors for analysis. DeFillippo believes it will not hurt the company in any way, just like how Facebook stock prices rose up after paying fines to the government. 

In relation to Security threats raised by Morgan Wright in Episode 84, about deep fakes and Russian FaceApp, DeFillippo brushed these events aside.

“Who cares? This is useless data. These photos? They could get that in the internet already. They care about a lot of other things, but a picture of you? No, ‘cause they’re looking at numbers. They care about your behavior and your demographics and how they can influence you.” – Jason DeFillippo

Moreover, Lochhead and DeFillippo discussed more recent top stories such as Equifax paying $125 for filling up a simple form and for bizarre stories, about a woman cuddling a giant pet snail. They sure did had fun having a rundown on these top and viral stories. 

To hear more about podcasting, viral stories and more relevant information from Jason, download and listen to the episode.


Jason is a full-time podcast producer and editor for The Jordan Harbinger Show as well as the Creator and Co-host of the Grumpy Old Geeks Podcast.

Jason has been building websites since the early days in 1994 for clients that range from small businesses to million dollar websites for blockbuster films to his own start-ups.

In 1994 he created the groundbreaking website Spewww which was nominated for a Webby in the first year the awards were held in 1998.

In 1995 a new media company in Santa Monica moved him out to Los Angeles to build the first website for Epson America.

Since then Jason has launched over 250 websites for major corporations like Paramount Pictures, Sony, Warner Brothers, and Disney. 

He also created the two time SXSW Weblog Award-winning Blogrolling service as well as co-founded the global blog network Metroblogging.

He has worked at several startups in San Francisco including Technorati and 8020 Media, the publishers of, and statistical aggregator Metricly.


Website – Jason DeFillippo




Website: Grumpy Old Geeks

Jordan Harbinger Show

Some of the topics covered:

Have We Hit Peak Podcast?

Childless millennials have no place at Disney World and should be banned, tired mom rants

Siri recordings ‘regularly’ sent to Apple contractors for analysis, claims whistleblower

‘Deepfakes’ Trigger a Race to Fight Manipulated Photos and Videos

Why you probably won’t actually get $125 from the Equifax settlement

Woman inseparable from giant pet snail that she loves cuddling on sofa

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Follow Your Different™! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and subscribe on iTunes!

085 Conversations vs Interviews

085 Conversations vs interviews

In this episode, Christopher Lochhead shares some insights about conversations (or dialogue) and interviews. Two gentlemen, a guy who messaged him on Linkedin and actor Tom Hanks, were the inspiration for this episode. Both underscored the difference between real conversation and typical interviews.

Safe, bankable and professional

Tom Hanks is one of the most successful and cleanest, most professional, family-friendly actors of all time. His movies have grossed over $5 Billion. He would unlikely get drunk and urinate in a hotel lobby on a press tour ⁠— which is why Disney hired him.

To shine a light on our topic, Tom Hanks was recently on Jimmy Kimmel to promote the newest Toy Story. He talked about how Disney enforced strict control over what he can and can not say about the movie. 

Ever wonder why you rarely hear a Fortune 500 CEO say anything interesting? Ever wonder why politicians don’t really answer questions? High profile people have been taught by lawyers and PR people to ‘bridge back’ to their talking points.” – Christopher Lochhead 

Everything is Scripted

As Lochhead observed, many politicians, celebrities and even CEOs say the same thing over and over again during interviews. The reason for this is: it is scripted! 

Interviews are almost 100% predictable and inauthentic ⁠— from the host looks, clothes to the shots, content, and substance. The whole interview focuses on PR talking points, legal constraints, predetermined narrative. Further, the whole “conversation” is rehearsed in advance. 

“Interviews are more like classical music. Conversations are different. They are more like rock ‘n roll; they feel a little more exciting and are free form.” – Christopher Lochhead

Conversations are like rock and roll

Conversations are different, as most of the time, the guest and host go off-script. Interestingly, one guy from Linkedin messaged Lochhead and provided feedback. He mentioned things such as “make it shorter, edit it to cut out the non-essential parts and seems not prepared enough in terms of the questions, seems more like an informal conversation.”

Lochhead further explained that that was not the objective of this podcast. However, he does understand that this style of odd-cast is not for everyone.

“People think out loud. They jam. They go beyond well rehearse lines. As a marketing guy, I’ve understood this for a long time. Conversations are way more interesting than interviews.” – Christopher Lochhead 

In this episode, we included some of the feedback we received from listeners about how they would describe the podcast to a friend. 

To hear more about conversations vs interviews and more relevant information from Christopher, download and listen to the episode.


Christopher advised over 50 venture-backed startups. He is a venture capital limited partner and a former three-time Silicon Valley public company CMO, entrepreneur. In addition, he co-authored two bestsellers: Niche Down and Play Bigger.

After he flunked school, with few other options, Christopher started his first company at the age of 18.

He was a chief marketing officer of software juggernaut Mercury Interactive. Hewlett-Packard, in 2006, acquired that company for $4.5 billion.

Further, he also co-founded the marketing consulting firm LOCHHEAD. Christopher was the founder/CMO of Internet consulting firm Scient. He also served as head of marketing at the CRM software firm Vantive.

Christopher loves his family and friends. He thinks the Ramones are legendary and loves riding the mountains and waves of Northern California.


Tom Hanks Revealed the Secret of How He Avoids Dropping Toy Story 4 Spoilers

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Follow Your Different™! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and subscribe on iTunes!

082 Next Time You’re In The Endzone, Act Like You’ve Been There Before

Next Time You’re In The Endzone, Act Like You’ve Been There Before

In this episode, Christopher Lochhead talks about the idea of “faking it till you make it.” He poses a real question about what to do when you finally “make it.” This episode is inspired by Silicon Valley coach Bill Campbell’s quote, “next time you’re in the endzone, act like you’ve been there before.”

Bill Campbell’s Wise Words

On Episode 072, Randy Komisar of Kleiner Perkins joined Lochhead to celebrate the life and lessons of legendary Silicon Valley coach, late Bill Campbell. Guest Randy Komisar, along with colleague Paul Martino of Bullpen Capital, came together to capture Bill in a podcast, called No Bull Podcast. Bill was the coach to Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, and countless Silicon Valley legends.            

Randy shared a story about Bill, back when he was coaching a football team. There was a time when the team hit a touch down and went mental to celebrate the small victory. According to Randy, Bill did not approve of this and gave the team his wise words: “Hey guys, next time you’re in the endzone, act like you’ve been there before.” 

Don’t Do The Victory Noise

Even Lochhead is guilty of celebrating small wins. He recounts a story about surfing as he gets all too excited when he encounters a good wave, often called as “claiming the wave.” His buddy corrected him and told him the message that he sends out to other surfers is that it was “just one” of his best waves. He reminded Lochhead to have the mentality that all of his waves are the best ones.

“You wanna act like you’ve been here before. You wanna act like all your waves are like that” – Christopher Lochhead’s friend, when he does his victory noise

Fake it till you make it

Lochhead candidly shares that he had “faked it till he made it” a number of times in his life. However, Lochhead poses the question, what will you do when you finally make it?

“Act like you’ve been there before, act like it’s something that happens all the time.” – Christopher Lochhead

Further, Lochhead reminds that when we’re pushing ourselves to the next level, we have to act in our own minds and in our behavior. We have to always think that we are the “Whoah-Man or Whoah-Woman.” It’s always nice to celebrate wins, but ideally, it is best to do it privately.

“You have to prepare yourselves so you’ll have the least amount of faking as possible and when in you’re in the situation and something happens, just roll it.” – Christopher Lochhead

To hear more about how to act next time you’re in the endzone and more relevant information from Lochhead, download and listen to the episode.


Christopher Lochhead 


072 Why Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos & many others turned to “The Coach” Bill Campbell 

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Follow Your Different™! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and subscribe on iTunes!

079 The Power of Unstructured Conversations w/ Podcaster Eric Hunley

The Power of Unstructured Conversations w/ Podcaster Eric Hunley

This is a great episode, with a great guy Eric Hunley, a fellow podcaster and host of Unstructured. He shares his learnings and insights from his guests—whose backgrounds range from FBI, military and law enforcement to entrepreneurs, authors, and thinkers.   

The Unstructured Podcast

Eric Hunley hosts the podcast Unstructured. Although he is well-known for his unstructured-style interview, he admits that he does a lot of research beforehand. Further, he leads the guest to a path by asking triggering questions. 

“By triggering, it’s not to get them upset per se. I wanna know what their passion is, what makes them tick, why they do certain things, I want them to be excited.” – Eric Hunley

Crime and Investigation Podcast Guests

Eric shares some very interesting (and disturbing for some) stories about his guests with a background in military and law enforcement. In particular, his upcoming guest is an ex-FBI agent. He used to handle bombs but then crossed over into the behavioral analysis unit, with a focus on sex crimes.

“He’s gone into a bit about repressed memories and how things can be planted, and things of that sort and cognitive biases and persuasion and influence and things like that, that fits my interests.” – Eric Hunley on his guest at Unstructured

Eric and Christopher shared their common interests with crime and investigation stories. Moreover, they agreed that people have a lurid fascination with monsters—whether fictional or real-life psychopath and serial killers.

“There’s a Southern Californian Daycare, where 300 children were all molested inside tunnels under the schools. Its part of a satanic worship group.” Eric Hunley, as he recounts one of his guest’s stories in his podcast, Unstructured

Dealing with Authors and Entrepreneurs

Eric shares his experiences conversing with authors and entrepreneurs. He admits he has a hard time closing conversations, especially when the guest has a very interesting story.  Christopher shares in response to Eric, that there is a natural arc of conversations, even the sh*tty ones.

“Sh*tty conversations are probably when one or both sides have an agenda. Were not into talking points. I am probably, ironically, a little more interviewing than you are, but still conversational.” -Eric Hunley

Both also exchanged their preparation in dealing with authors and entrepreneurs, which is actually reading their books. 

When you actually read the book, you can get an insight into their personality or the message, that is deeper. A lot of times they get blown away by insightful questions. If I can, I do get that stuff out early. When the guest knows you care or give a shit about then, then it becomes a conversation. -Eric Hunley

To hear more about unstructured conversations and more relevant information from Eric, download and listen to the episode.


“Eric Hunley is forging his path in unstructured interview-style podcasts, as the host of the Unstructured Podcast.

It is no surprise that fellow podcasters follow this formula in podcasting.

The unstructured podcast sources a gambit of unique podcast guests, who are based all around the globe.

Eric Hunley has created well over a hundred interview styled podcasts in less than nine months.

His unrelenting professionalism, detail orientated research, and smooth delivery as a host serves as an inspiration to many.

New podcasters and seasoned professionals often seek out his knowledge and advice when it comes to the business of podcasting.

Eric’s previous experience as an instructor at the University of Arizona has helped cement his reputation as an educator.

His position opened many doors for him and has begun to lead to further speaking opportunities. He often draws on his many years of experience as an athlete, marathon runner, coach, and university lecturer.

Eric Hunley is predominantly self-taught and he understands that his students have the ability to absorb any skill with the right kind of guidance.

As such he is beginning to mentor new podcasters who are looking to get on the fast track so that they can successfully build their podcasting careers.

He has also been developing the systems and frameworks needed to deliver a fully comprehensive interview podcast and fast-tracking the guest research process.

Eric Hunley is the author of three books and is currently working on his fourth book. The book is titled “Interview Podcasting: Find Your Voice and Increase Your Authority.”

You can find a list of shows that feature Eric Hunley’s podcast appearances here.

Eric Hunley is married to Leslie Smail and lives in Hampton, Virginia, USA


Unstructured Podcast

Twitter: @UnstructuredP

Facebook Groups: Unstructured

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Follow Your Different™! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and subscribe on iTunes!

075 Neil Pearlberg, Surf & Skateboard Podcast/Radio Legend On The “Worst Episode” Ever!

Neil Pearlberg, Surf & Skateboard Podcast/Radio Legend On The “Worst Episode” Ever!

Surf and skateboard podcast host Neil Pearlberg joins us today in this special 4th of July episode dubbed as “The Worst Episode Ever!” This is a funny and silly conversation, just like two buddies hanging out over drinks⁠.

We cannot guarantee that you’d find inspiration or motivation in this episode, but we’re sure, you’d be laughing your brains off listening to this witty exchange of conversation!

Off The Lip Radio Show

Neil Pearlberg hosts the Off The Lip Radio Show (OTL)⁠— a popular radio show and podcast dedicated to surfing, skateboarding and laid back California lifestyle in Santa Cruz. The show is co-hosted by Terry Campion (TC), a skate-shop owner. The show has a wide array of guests and live-music, peppered with the unique humor of Neil and TC. 

“Everybody takes life seriously. The show has to be fun! There’s so much seriousness in today’s world.” – Neil Pearlberg

After Neil’s stint as a freelance writer for the Santa Cruz Sentinel, he proposed to KSCO management a program that would cater to the younger generation, since the station’s demographic involved very old listeners. They were off into a rought start, as the KSCO management deemed him as an “non-reliable, non-responsible-kind-person” but he proved them wrong.

Lochhead’s Guesting at OTL

Rich Novak, the founder of innovative skateboard company NHS Fun Factory, introduced Neil to Chris and they’ve been buddies ever since. Chris actually guested in OTL Episode #321 where he complained that he was called Chris Lochhard for the whole 50 minutes of the show. 

It was a hilarious exchange of conversation as Chris said this is the first time he met people who don’t give AF about who he was. He also joked about how it was fun to be “disrespected” at times and be regarded based on your hobbies. 

“You pick up absolutely no new subscribers cause everybody was googling Lockhard! I was furious! But we went out for dinner and had a great time!” – Christopher Lochhead on his guesting at OTL

More About The Worst Episode Ever

Neil shares more about the guests, the music and topics they cover on OTL. He said the show appealed to the young and young at heart because of their unconventional format and their IDGAF attitude.

“We used to be prepared. We sit down beforehand and do notes. TC and I start on a nice piece and have booklets, then it went to brown paper bags, then it went to napkins. Now we just drink.” – Neil Pearlberg on the preparing for every episode of OTL

He further shared about his fashion sense⁠—the laidback California lifestyle attire⁠—but is now called hobo chic. They teased back and forth about Neil’s current relationship, as his girlfriend, Angela was also present during the interview.

To hear more about Neil Pearlberg and why this episode might be the “Worst Episode” ever, download and listen to the episode.


Since September 2009, Neil Pearlberg has written over 200 articles covering the sport of surfing, as well as skateboarding, and soccer, for the Bay Area News Group, & Santa Cruz Waves. 

He is also the host of the “Off the Lip Radio Show”, & Hour Local Radio Show aired on Santa Cruz Radio Show KSCO AM 1080, FM 104.1, and streamed on Santa Cruz Waves Facebook Page.

Neil has also had published articles in Adventure Sports Journal, National Geographic, Stand Up Paddle Board Magazine.


Off The Lip Radio



Linkedin – Neil Pearlberg

We hope you enjoyed Neil Pearlberg on this episode of Follow Your Different™! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and subscribe on iTunes!