Follow your Different.™ Podcast Episodes
Find the courage to follow your different through these episodes.

125 Bas Rutten: How to over-come anything w/ UFC Hall of Famer & O2 Trainer Inventor
One of Christopher Lochhead’s hero, UFC Hall of Famer and MMA legend Bas Rutten joins us today for another powerful and insightful conversation. We talk about how as a Dutch Kid, Bas, over-came horrible asthma and eczema, and bullying to become, the “Baddest Man in the World.” He shares about his outlook in life, his…

124 John McAfee For President
After breaking the internet with our Mia Khalifa Episode 111, we are bringing you another episode with John McAfee, Legendary Silicon Valley entrepreneur, and 2020 U.S Presidential candidate. He joins us to share his experiences in Silicon Valley and talks about why he thinks “it doesn’t matter who the President is. This will no doubt…

122 Legendary Lighting & Nightclub Designer Steve Lieberman
Today, entrepreneur and the incredibly creative guy Steve Lieberman, Founder & CEO of SJ Lighting, joins us today for another riveting conversation. Steve and his team have had a hand in almost every nightclub and electronic music festival in the US for the last ten years. He shares how he creates a lasting impact on…

121 Secrets of Sand Hill Road Venture Capital, w/ Scott Kupor Managing Partner, Andreessen Horowitz
In another riveting episode, Scott Kupor, the managing partner of one of the highest-profile VC on the planet over the last decade, Andreessen Horowitz, joins us today to discuss startups, how to get funded and a lot more! He is also the author of the book called Secrets of Sand Hill Road: Venture Capital and…

120 Security, Deep Fakes & Apple Glasses Oh My! w/ Dave Bittner
Today, Dave Bittner, Producer and Host of The CyberWire Podcast and Hacking Humans podcast, joins us for a timely discussion about security, the future, deep fakes Apple glasses and more. He is a regular guest of podcast Grumpy Old Geeks with previous guests, Jason DiFillipo & Brian Schulmister. Trade-Off Between Operations and Risks Security has…
“This is a great podcast for those who want to be on a constant learning adventure”
- iTunes Reviewer
“The only podcast I listen to. I don’t have time to listen to podcasts, but I make the time to listen to this one”
- iTunes Reviewer
“So, so good!!! By far my favorite podcast – really enjoy the straightforward, no BS conversations”
- iTunes Reviewer
“#1 Podcast for a reason”
- iTunes Reviewer
“This is not your average self help podcast”
- iTunes Reviewer
“Quite frankly, unlike any other podcast”
- iTunes Reviewer
"Real conversations with no bullshit - the guests get driven away from their standard form responses, and irreverence is valued"
- Podcast Listener
"I listen during my commute. I feel like I learn something new every conversation and I feel energized and empowered to tackle the small and big challenges. "
- Podcast Listener
"There is an authenticity to Christopher's approach that I respect, in addition to the breadth of the subject matter. Also a huge fan of his 2 books. "
- Podcast Listener
"The people that “get it” today are doing things in an authentic manner. They realize that no one wants the over produced glitzy BS and instead they just want to learn. I listen to this podcast because it cuts through the noise and provides incredible insight on how to build a legendary company / career - and it’s coming from folks that have done it, not just talked about it. "
- Podcast Listener
"Good people, good conversations, fun and insightful"
- Podcast Listener
"I love Christopher and TOTALLY relate to how his heart and brain work - just like mine! - and I feel a greater invitation to be more ME - as I am-take it or leave it. Every single guest arrives authentic and beyond inspiring and OMG I LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH! I keep buying all their books! Love you Christopher and love that you share your REAL YOU with all of us and invite us all to do the same!"
- Podcast Listener
"I like being exposed to people and thoughts that I wouldn’t normally get to listen and learn from in the general day to day of life and business”
- Podcast Listener
"It is like being a fly on the wall in a high level conversation and there are great insights from people with proven legendary results "
- Podcast Listener
“Christopher Lochhead is the Joe Rogan of Business”
- Jon Bergoff, CEO, Flourishing Leadership Institute
"Off-putting to some"
- The Economist
"Christopher Lochhead is a human exclamation point"
- Fast Company Magazine
"Christopher Lochhead is one of the best minds in marketing"
- The Marketing Journal
“Christopher Lochhead is an exploding star – a quasar across the sky."
- Bill Walton, NBA Hall of Fame Legend
"That was— and I bullshit you not— the most fun interview I have ever had”
- Abby Ellin, Bestselling Author of “Duped” & New York Times Contributor