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Follow your Different.™ Podcast Episodes

Find the courage to follow your different through these episodes.

146 Keep Calm & Carry on Security Expert w/Morgan Wright

146 Keep Calm & Carry on w/ Security Expert Morgan Wright

Today, we have Security Guru Morgan Wright, a distinguished professional in law enforcement and an internationally recognized expert on cybersecurity, cyberterrorism, and privacy. We talk all things security: how to deal with fear, scams, self-defense and most importantly why Morgan is optimistic about our future. This is a fantastic dialogue! Morgan Wright We have conversed…

145 Tucker Max, The Coronavirus & The Dawn of a New Golden Age

145 Tucker Max, The Coronavirus & The Dawn of a New Golden Age

Our guest today has written four New York Times Best Sellers, three of which, hit #1. He was America’s favorite bad boy, turned entrepreneur and philosopher-king, Tucker Max. We have a fantastic conversation about the coronavirus, what he and his family are doing to hunker down and try to stay healthy. We touch on the…

144 Dushka Zapata, Coronavirus Acts of Kindness

144 Dushka Zapata, Coronavirus Acts of Kindness

We continue our run of legendary authors. Today, one of the most prolific and important writers in the world, Dushka Zapata. Her work has been viewed over 157 million times on question & answer site Quora.  In this episode, we get right into how she’s dealing with the coronavirus. Dushka has a powerful point of…

143 Why Less Is So Much More w/ Courtney Carver Project 333 Author

143 Why Less Is So Much More w/ Courtney Carver Project 333 Author

We continue our run of legendary authors with Courtney Carver, author of Soulful Simplicity and the brand new Project 333. We talk about The Project 333 Challenge, wearing only 33 items of clothing for three months. People who do this report less anxiety and more clarity and focus. We also talk about how to live…

142 Extreme Life, Extraordinary Meaning w/ Marine Combat Vet Akshay Nanavati

142 Extreme Life, Extraordinary Meaning w/ Marine Combat Vet Akshay Nanavati

Welcome to an amazing episode with Combat Veteran and US Marine Akshay Nanavati. He’s a speaker, entrepreneur, ultra runner, non-profit founder and best selling author. We have a stunning conversation about why overcoming extraordinary challenges is the key to a successful life, why we should all pick worthy struggles and the power of “earning your…

141 The Real DEA Narcos Javier Peña & Steve Murphy Part 2

141 The Real DEA Narcos Javier Peña & Steve Murphy Part 2

Welcome to part two of our dialogue with the real DEA Narcos Javier Peña and Steve Murphy. These are the two real American heroes who partnered with Colombian Law Enforcement to take down the world’s 1st Narco Terrorist, Pablo Escobar, and their story is the basis for the Netflix smash hit Narcos. In this second…

141 The Real DEA Narcos Javier Peña & Steve Murphy Part 1

141 The Real DEA Narcos Javier Peña & Steve Murphy Part 1

Welcome to our super, special two-part dialogue with the real DEA Narcos Javier Peña and Steve Murphy. In this first episode, they take us behind the scenes of how they came together, from the US to Columbia, and worked for six years, to get Pablo Escobar. We learn, what it feels like to have a…

140 Built, Not Born: w/ Self-Made Billionaire Tom Golisano, Founder Paychex

140 Built, Not Born w/ Self-Made Billionaire Tom Golisano, Founder Paychex

Today, we speak with self-made Billionaire, Founder of $30B market cap, Paychex. You’re gonna love this guy! He has a new book: Built, Not Born: A Self-Made Billionaire’s No-Nonsense Guide for Entrepreneurs. We dig into the book and his insights on why and when you start a company. He also talks about how to build…

139 World Without Waste w/ Steve Pratt CEO of AI Startup Noodle

139 World Without Waste w/ Steve Pratt CEO of AI Startup Noodle

This is our second in our two-part series on Digital Business, with Steve Pratt, CEO of Noodle.AI, the remarkable startup on a mission to changing global manufacturing and supply chain business. We have a real conversation about how the combination of Machine Learning / AI, The Cloud, IoT and deep data analytics can come together…

138 Digital Business Guru Big Ben Rewis

138 Digital Business Guru Big Ben Rewis

This is our first in a special two-part series on Digital Business. The legendary Big Ben Rewis joins us today to have a real, powerful conversation about digital businesses today and how big data can contribute to sustainability. In our next episode, watch out for Steve Pratt CEO of Noodle.AI, the remarkable startup changing global…


“This is a great podcast for those who want to be on a constant learning adventure”
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“So, so good!!! By far my favorite podcast – really enjoy the straightforward, no BS conversations”
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“#1 Podcast for a reason”
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“This is not your average self help podcast”
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“Quite frankly, unlike any other podcast”
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"Real conversations with no bullshit - the guests get driven away from their standard form responses, and irreverence is valued"
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"I listen during my commute. I feel like I learn something new every conversation and I feel energized and empowered to tackle the small and big challenges. "
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"There is an authenticity to Christopher's approach that I respect, in addition to the breadth of the subject matter. Also a huge fan of his 2 books. "
- Podcast Listener

"The people that “get it” today are doing things in an authentic manner. They realize that no one wants the over produced glitzy BS and instead they just want to learn. I listen to this podcast because it cuts through the noise and provides incredible insight on how to build a legendary company / career - and it’s coming from folks that have done it, not just talked about it. "
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"Good people, good conversations, fun and insightful"
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"I love Christopher and TOTALLY relate to how his heart and brain work - just like mine! - and I feel a greater invitation to be more ME - as I am-take it or leave it. Every single guest arrives authentic and beyond inspiring and OMG I LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH! I keep buying all their books! Love you Christopher and love that you share your REAL YOU with all of us and invite us all to do the same!"
- Podcast Listener

"I like being exposed to people and thoughts that I wouldn’t normally get to listen and learn from in the general day to day of life and business”
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"It is like being a fly on the wall in a high level conversation and there are great insights from people with proven legendary results "
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“Christopher Lochhead is the Joe Rogan of Business”

- Jon Bergoff, CEO, Flourishing Leadership Institute

"Off-putting to some"
- The Economist

"Christopher Lochhead is a human exclamation point"
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"Christopher Lochhead is one of the best minds in marketing"
- The Marketing Journal

“Christopher Lochhead is an exploding star – a quasar across the sky."
- Bill Walton, NBA Hall of Fame Legend

"That was— and I bullshit you not— the most fun interview I have ever had”

- Abby Ellin, Bestselling Author of “Duped” & New York Times Contributor

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390 Design Your Future: How To Trade Fear For A Fulfilling Career | Category Pirates

389 Leading with Love and Resistance: Pastor Evan Mawarire on Freedom, Democracy, and the Power of Faith

388 The Empty Chair: A Different Approach to Grief This Holiday Season | Category Pirates

387 Happy Money with Bestselling Author Ken Honda

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