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063 The Magic Triangle | Marketing PodStorm 25

Monday 21st October 2024
063 The Magic Triangle | Marketing PodStorm 25

In this episode, let’s talk about the magic triangle — how the company, the product, and the category come together to make you the category queen or category king in your market category.

Product Design

Product design is the purposeful building of a product and an experience that solves a problem. Most companies, though, opt for a product-market fit. Christopher believes it a dangerous idea because it insinuates that there’s a market out there who would automatically consume whatever is offered to them.

“Typically what happens is: entrepreneurs start with a problem or something they’re working on or tinkering with, and they get obsessed with the thing. That of course, is the product.” – Christopher Lochhead

Company Design

Company design is the purposeful creation of a business model, and an organization with culture, a point of view that fits the category. In a recent episode of Christopher about BHAGs, you’ll see how a point of view with a big hairy audacious goal can come together and become a powerful motivator, driver, and unifier of culture. 

“If you get category design, right, and you lock and load on a provocative point of view, that is deeply rooted in something you care about, such that you, your co-founders, your colleagues, your co-workers, the other executives in the company, etc. are on a mission centered around that point of view, it changes culture.” – Christopher Lochhead

Category Design

Category design is the mindful creation and development of a new market category. Successful category design will result in the consumers demanding the product from you and crowning you the queen. 

“In marketing terms, category design is the ultimate air wars as distinct from ground wars. It’s about winning the war for public opinion. It’s about teaching the world to abandon something old and embrace something new. Category design builds the profile of the space while drawing attention to the company. Legendary companies market the category first and the company second.” – – Christopher Lochhead

To hear more about the magic triangle and specific examples for product, company, and category design, download and listen to this episode.


Christopher Lochhead is a #1 Apple podcaster and #1 Amazon bestselling co-author of books: Niche Down and Play Bigger.

He has been an advisor to over 50 venture-backed startups; a former three-time Silicon Valley public company CMO and an entrepreneur.

Furthermore, he has been called “one of the best minds in marketing” by The Marketing Journal, a “Human Exclamation Point” by Fast Company, a “quasar” by NBA legend Bill Walton and “off-putting to some” by The Economist.

In addition, he served as a chief marketing officer of software juggernaut Mercury Interactive. Hewlett-Packard acquired the company in 2006, for $4.5 billion.

He also co-founded the marketing consulting firm LOCHHEAD; was the founding CMO of Internet consulting firm Scient, and served as head of marketing at the CRM software firm Vantive.

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Lochhead on Marketing™! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and subscribe on iTunes! You may also subscribe to his newsletter,The Difference, for some amazing content.