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183 What Barbie Can Teach Tech CEOs About Marketing

183 What Barbie Can Teach Tech CEOs About Marketing

On this episode of Lochhead on Marketing, let’s take a look on what the movie Barbie did to reach such an overwhelming success, and what Tech CEOs can learn about their approach to marketing.

Welcome to Lochhead on Marketing. The number one charting marketing podcast for marketers, category designers, and entrepreneurs with a different mind.

Barbie’s Approach to Marketing

Christopher Lochhead opens up the dialogue with pointing out the things that the Barbie producers did that made it a blockbuster win, particularly with what they did on the marketing side. According to Christopher, Barbie pulled off the greatest “lightning strike” framework of any brand in 2023.

One of the notable things that stood out was that Barbie spent $145M on producing the film, while spending almost $150M on marketing.

Let that sink in: $145M to make it, $150M to build it up.

Most companies would consider it outrageous to do such a thing, opting to focus their resources on building the product and spending what’s left on marketing, if any. And this is why most of those companies fail to make a mark and carve out a market early on in their product’s lifecycle.

How about Barbie? Well, it spent a combined $295M, but that marketing approach resulted in $1B in sales. $145M to make it, $150M to build. $1B in revenue.

Barbie’s Missed Opportunity

That said, Christopher did point out a few missed avenues that Barbie could’ve made to take advantage of their marketing strategy. For one thing, they left the digital space widely untapped, spawning newsletters and enticing new generations of girls to getting into collecting Barbies and other related merchandise.

Another thing they could’ve done is get older fans together and start building out a community in the digital sphere and talk all things Barbie. Not only does it heavily hit people in their nostalgia, but it can also help expose those older generation’s children into Barbie, and then you are back to point no. 1.

The Recession that Never Came

One of the things that Christopher also noticed with Barbie’s approach is that people are still bracing for a recession that seemingly never came, or at least was not as full-blown as we were expecting it to be. While everyone else was still timidly testing the waters, Barbie decided it would make a big splash instead.

So for Tech CEOs out there, it may not be the time to be holding down the fort. Rather, it should be a good time to try and hurl some lightning strikes in the market and see if you strike gold.

To hear more about Christopher Lochhead’s views on Barbie’s success and how it can teach tech CEOS about marketing, download and listen to this episode.


Christopher Lochhead is a #1 Apple podcaster and #1 Amazon bestselling co-author of books: Niche Down and Play Bigger.

He has been an advisor to over 50 venture-backed startups; a former three-time Silicon Valley public company CMO and an entrepreneur.

Furthermore, he has been called “one of the best minds in marketing” by The Marketing Journal, a “Human Exclamation Point” by Fast Company, a “quasar” by NBA legend Bill Walton and “off-putting to some” by The Economist.

In addition, he served as a chief marketing officer of software juggernaut Mercury Interactive. Hewlett-Packard acquired the company in 2006, for $4.5 billion.

He also co-founded the marketing consulting firm LOCHHEAD; the founding CMO of Internet consulting firm Scient, and served as head of marketing at the CRM software firm Vantive.

Don’t forget to grab a copy (or gift!) of one of our best-selling books:

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Lochhead on Marketing™! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and subscribe on iTunes!

327 Queer In The C-Suite with Jim Fielding, Bestselling Author of All Pride No Ego: A Queer Executive’s Journey to Living and Leading Authentically

Many of us are different; and for many of us being different is a superpower. But what do you do if your different is not always accepted in the business world? How can you use your different as an advantage? We get into that and much more with our guest, Jim Fielding.

Jim Fielding has had an extraordinary executive career, working at the highest levels of some of the most well-known and respected corporations in the world companies like The Gap, Disney, DreamWorks, and 20th Century Fox. And Jim’s got a stunning new book out. It’s called All Pride, No Ego: A queer executive’s journey to living and leading authentically.

Today, we get into all of it: from how to have a legendary career as an openly gay man and how to be different. We also dig into many of the thorny social dynamics that are being discussed and dealt with right now around the LGBTQ+ community in modern America.

You’re listening to Christopher Lochhead: Follow Your Different. We are the real dialogue podcast for people with a different mind. So get your mind in a different place, and hey ho, let’s go.

Jim Fielding on being Different and having the Freedom to follow it

The conversation starts off with Jim’s younger years, as he reveals that he felt different around the age of six or seven and had a sense of destiny beyond his hometown.

He grew up in Toledo, Ohio, near Lake Erie, and had a middle-class upbringing with a firefighter father and stay-at-home mom. But he has always felt that his parents gave him a sense of freedom early on.

Jim’s book, which was initially meant for 2024, has taken on more urgency amid the evolving LGBTQ+ rights movement. He shares how it has evolved into a platform for conversations, community building, and addressing inequities. They then talk about the impact of the book and how Jim is using his platform to advocate for marginalized communities and human rights.

Jim Fielding on the state of queer communities then and now

They then talk about the state of queer communities over the years. Jim Fielding discusses the evolution of attitudes towards LGBTQ+ individuals and their experiences.

Jim reflects on the changing landscape and the challenges faced by the queer community. He notes that the current situation feels like a mix of progress and regression, with moments of hope interspersed with concerning headlines about anti-LGBTQ legislation and discrimination. Jim emphasizes the need to own the narrative and stand up against efforts to push the community back into the closet. He draws parallels to historical moments, such as the fight for rights in the 1960s and the AIDS crisis in the 1980s.

Despite all these, Jim’s optimism remains strong, bolstered by the resilience of the queer community and the activism of younger generations.

On standing up and being an Ally

The conversation then shifts to Christopher’s perspective as an ally and his observations about changing attitudes. He contrasts the comparatively accepting atmosphere of the 1970s and 1980s, exemplified by cultural icons like David Bowie and Annie Lennox, with the challenges faced during the AIDS epidemic and subsequent backlash. He expresses confusion about the shifts in attitudes and experiences, wondering if his memories of acceptance were naive or if there has been a recent shift.

Jim offers insights into the impact of the AIDS epidemic on perceptions of the LGBTQ+ community and the subsequent challenges it faced. He discusses how this period led to a more pronounced demonization of LGBTQ+ individuals, especially by conservative groups. They also touch on the struggle for marriage equality and the ongoing fight for LGBTQ+ rights.


Jim Fielding, a proud Ohio native and Indiana University Hoosier, started his career on the department store floor.

Over the next 30 years, he would lead some of the world’s most beloved media and retail brands, including The Gap, Disney, Claire’s, Dreamworks, and 20th Century Fox.

Jim is known for his ability to combine storytelling and product merchandising into unforgettable consumer experiences. As culture builder and talent spotter, he has recruited and trained global leaders in a variety of disciplines and at all levels.

Today, Jim spends his time and talents on independent media, entrepreneurship, higher education, and philanthropy.

He’s a Partner at Archer Gray, an independent media company inspiring change through storytelling and innovative brand collaborations.

Jim is also the founder of the boutique consultancy, Intersected Stories, and proudly serves as part-time Executive-In-Residence for IU Ventures and The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

He is also an active angel investor and advisor to early-stage startups and their founders.

Jim has been active in philanthropy for over 25 years, serving on the boards of charitable organizations like Make-A-Wish, GLSEN, Kidspace Children’s Museum, and the American Red Cross.

He was recognized by the Walt Disney Company as Executive Volunteer of the year in 2011.

More recently, Jim has become a vocal advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and social justice.

Jim currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his partner, Joseph, and their dogs, Cricket and Olive. In the summers, you will find him lounging lakeside in Northern Michigan.


Connect with Jim Fielding!

Archer Gray | LinkedIn | Instagram | All Pride, No Ego | More about Jim

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Christopher Lochhead: Follow Your Different™! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and subscribe on iTunes!

182 Is Twitter’s Rebrand to X a Category Design Play? | Pirates Perspective

LOM_Episodes-182 Pirates Perspective Twitter Rebrand to X

On this episode of Lochhead on Marketing, we are presenting some Pirates Perspective from our newsletter, Category Pirates.

Eddie Yoon, Christopher Lochhead and Katrina Kirsch of Category Pirates discuss Elon Musk’s recent move to rebrand Twitter to X. They also speculate why Elon made such a move, and what he could have done from a category design perspective.

Welcome to Lochhead on Marketing. The number one charting marketing podcast for marketers, category designers, and entrepreneurs with a different mind.

Twitter to X

Elon Musk’s choice to rename Twitter as X has left people puzzled, questioning why he would give up a well-known brand and introduce a new one. Katrina follows up that the others think the move might be aimed at entering a different category, possibly related to financing. She wonders whether it would have been wiser to create a new company instead of rebranding Twitter.

Eddie Yoon discusses the debate surrounding the cost of rebranding and the value of legacy brand identity. He highlights that classic economic theory suggests ignoring sunk costs, which are expenses from the past, and instead focusing on future opportunities.

Eddie mentions that while some argue against rebranding due to the value of Twitter’s legacy brand, most consumers prioritize what a brand can offer them in the future rather than its past reputation. He suggests that rebranding can make sense when a company wants to enter new categories and emphasizes the importance of looking towards future opportunities rather than dwelling on the past. In Musk’s case, he’s not banking on the legacy of the brand itself, but the established userbase that Twitter has, who have a high potential of also buying in to what new category Twitter, now X, might become.

Elon Musk’s Mistake with the rebrand

While Christopher Lochhead agrees with Eddie Yoon’s points, he also believes that Elon Musk made a mistake by rebranding Twitter without clearly unveiling his vision for the new category of service he wants to create. He argues that a rebrand should be part of a strategic launch of a new category and not just a standalone action. The value of a brand lies in its perceived leadership in a relevant category, and in this case, the microblogging category may not be as impactful as before.

Although Elon Musk’s approach might not align with the ideal category design strategy, his reputation and influence will likely still garner attention when he eventually presents his big vision for the new category. But it definitely will lose some steam because the rebrand has become open to interpretation, rather than being focused on the intended category creation.

X as a financial category

The three further discuss the possibility of X creating a new currency or incorporating cryptocurrencies into its platform. Eddie mentions that X is already experiencing a shift in money flow, with revenue coming from both advertisers and users.

They also speculate that Elon Musk might have plans to introduce financial services or a new token (X token) on Twitter/X, incentivizing creators and potentially offering various payment options, including cryptocurrency. They compare this potential move to American Airlines’ frequent flyer program, which essentially created a currency in the form of loyalty points.

While they acknowledge they don’t have insider information, they highlight that Musk’s background with PayPal and his desire to make X a vital part of everyone’s life might lead to interesting developments.

To hear more about the discussion on what Elon plans to do with X, download and listen to this episode. If you want to join in the discussion, subscribe to Category Pirates and find more Pirates Perspective buried around the beach.

Don’t forget to grab a copy (or gift!) of one of our best-selling books:

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Lochhead on Marketing™! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and subscribe on iTunes!

326 The Well-Lived Life with 102-year-old Dr. Gladys McGarey, “Mother of Holistic Medicine” & Bestselling Author

FYD EPISODE 326 Dr Gladys McGarey

We all want to live life well and long but oftentimes, life gets in the way of having a legendary life. But what if there are secrets to a well lived life? Today, we have a life affirming real dialogue with the legendary Dr. Gladys McGarey.

Dr. Gladys McGarey is a general practitioner, co-founder of the American Holistic Medical Association, and she’s a category designer who is considered the mother of holistic medicine.

Dr. Gladys is 102 years old; she began her medical practice at a time when women couldn’t even have their own bank accounts. She’s got a new number one best seller out and it’s already in its second printing, called The Well Lived Life, a 102-year-old doctors six secrets to health and happiness at every age. This conversation takes some fascinating and unexpected turns, and we hope you join us for it.

You’re listening to Christopher Lochhead: Follow Your Different. We are the real dialogue podcast for people with a different mind. So get your mind in a different place, and hey ho, let’s go.

Dr. Gladys McGarey on the Importance on focusing on Life and Love

We start the conversation with Dr. Gladys, who is more than 100 years old, and they discuss how amazing it is to communicate through modern technology.

Dr. Gladys expresses her conflicted views on technology’s impact, suggesting that the lack of real-life experiences and love in young people’s lives might contribute to violence.

She then shares a story about using dogs in the classroom to provide children with a sense of real love, which could prevent harmful behaviors. She also talks about the power of animals to bring joy and love, and how Dr. Gladys’ upbringing in India reinforced the importance of love in healing and how it is a powerful medicine, as described in Dr. Gladys’ book.

Dr. Gladys McGarey on how to make do with what you have

Dr. Gladys discusses the benefits of modern technology, as well as acknowledge some concerns that herself has. She reflects on her medical career, recognizing the limitations of past practices and the importance of evolving with new knowledge.

She shares a dream that led to the realization of the interconnectedness of masculine and feminine energies. They explore the concept of feminine gestation and manifestation, emphasizing the need to understand and appreciate this process in addition to traditional manifestations. Dr. Gladys suggests that acknowledging and accepting this holistic approach could lead to better outcomes, instead of rejecting them outright.

Find her Voice in her 90s

In her 90s, Dr. Gladys had a breakthrough in finding her voice and embracing her true humanity.

She had always sought validation from others and struggled to trust her own voice. Through a dream, she had a profound realization that her voice mattered and was essential to express her soul essence. This led her to write a book with a deeper focus on the inner aspect of the Divine, emphasizing life and love.

She believes that as humans, we are reaching for our true humanity, understanding the importance of caring for each other and the Earth rather than seeking dominance. Dr. Gladys sees simplicity in embracing life and love as essential elements of our existence.

To hear more from Dr. Gladys McGarey and her views on how to live a fulfilled life, download and listen to this episode.


Dr. Gladys McGarey is 102 years old in 2023, at the time of the publication of her book “The Well-Lived Life: A 102-Year-Old Doctor’s Six Secrets to Health and Happiness at Every Age”

Dr. Gladys is also still a consulting doctor.

Recognized as a pioneer of the allopathic and holistic medical movements, she is also a founding diplomat of the American Board of Holistic Medicine.

She is the cofounder and past president of the American Holistic Medical Association, as well as the cofounder of the Academy of Parapsychology and Medicine and the founder of The International Academy of Clinical Hypnosis.

Dr. Gladys lives and works in Scottsdale, Arizona, where for many years she shared a medical practice with her daughter.

She currently has a medical consulting practice, maintains a healthy diet, and enjoys a good piece of cake every now and then.


Connect with Dr. Gladys McGarey!

Dr. Gladys’ Website | The Well-Lived Life | More info on Dr. Gladys

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Christopher Lochhead: Follow Your Different™! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and subscribe on iTunes!

181 My First Year As A Category Designer with Mike Bruno of Play Bigger

LOM_Episodes-181 Mike Bruno

On this episode, we welcome Mike Bruno, Senior Category Designer at Play Bigger. Today, we dig into what it takes to make Category Design your career, and how incredible it is working with some of the most advanced technology companies in the world on category design.

Welcome to Lochhead on Marketing. The number one charting marketing podcast for marketers, category designers, and entrepreneurs with a different mind.


Mike Bruno and his first year as a Category Designer

Mike, who has been a category designer for about a year and a half, started his career working in agencies and social advertising. Transitioning into category design was a return to a beginner mindset for him, which he found interesting. In his previous role, he helped people solve problems and develop strategies based on business objectives and existing products. This experience translated well to category design, where the front door is identifying the problem that the category solves uniquely.

Mike also mentioned that category design involves many new concepts and a broader aperture, as it requires structuring not only the client’s business but also influencing the entire market. While it was a humbling experience trying to figure it all out, he also had a sense of familiarity, knowing how to approach problems and strategize effectively.

Overall, his first year as a category designer was challenging and exciting, with a mix of the familiar and the new, which kept him engaged and interested in the field.


The way people think about Category Design

Christopher and Mike discuss the challenges of transitioning from traditional marketing to category design. They emphasize that category design involves creating new markets rather than catching existing demand. Mike points out that realizing someone invented categories was a facepalm moment for him, but it made him realize the importance of solving unsolved problems.

Christopher and Mike also talked about the power of not doing anything, meaning finding a category that has already been solved, and how this is often underestimated in the business world. They use Apple’s example of launching a new category called “spatial computing” instead of just a new product like most marketers do. They compare it to Magic Leap, which failed to create a category despite having inspiring visions. Mike believes Apple succeeded because they could bridge the gap between their vision and the technology needed to achieve it.


Mike Bruno on the Difference between Category Design and Product Design

Christopher and Mike discuss the difference between launching a product and category designing a market category. They use the example of Magic Leap, which had a product but failed to category design the spatial computing market. Christopher explains that category design involves framing, naming, and claiming a new problem, creating an ecosystem of partners to solve that problem, and evangelizing the solution.

Mike shares his surprise about the comprehensive nature of category design, realizing that it’s not just about coming up with a new term but involves a rigorous process to make the category successful. They also mention Apple’s success in category designing the spatial computing market, positioning themselves for significant market cap growth while other players who only launched products may miss out on the opportunity.

To hear more from Mike Bruno and his experiences as a Category Designer, download and listen to this episode.



Mike Bruno

Mike is a Senior Category Designer with a background in psychology and communications strategy. He finds hidden problems and unspoken truths, and connects those with companies, brands and products to drive businesses and, importantly, the people they serve.

Mike’s style of Category Design is simple, straightforward and playful. His work is equally influenced by the behavioral sciences, business theory and imagination. Carl Jung on one shoulder, and Dav Pilkey on the other.

Mike’s work has been featured in Advertising Age’s “Book of Tens”, has been awarded numerous industry accolades and has driven double digit brand growth for dozens of clients. Outside of work, Mike is a frequent guest lecturer at NYU and The New School, a hockey coach to five-year-olds, and a father of two boys. He lives in Westchester, NY with his wife, kids and backyard ice rink.


Don’t forget to grab a copy (or gift!) of one of our best-selling books:


We hope you enjoyed this episode of Lochhead on Marketing™! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and subscribe on iTunes!

325 Finding Meaningful Work in a Post-Career World with Bruce Feiler, 7-time NYT Bestselling Author

FYD EPISODE 325 Bruce Feiler

The people who are happiest don’t chase someone else’s dreams; they chase their own. This is according to our guest, one of our favorite authors, thinkers, and people, Bruce Feiler. So we have a whole dialog on just that.

Bruce Feiler is the author of the landmark book, Life is in the Transitions. And now he’s back to address one of the seminal questions of our time: “How do we find or create meaningful work,” a subject he’s lived over and over again. His new book is out and it’s called The Search, finding meaningful work in a post career world.

Bruce is one of America’s most thoughtful voices on contemporary life. He’s a seven-time New York Times bestselling author, he’s lived many lives from circus clown to preeminent spirituality, author to winning three James Beard Awards and being the subject of a Jeopardy question. Bruce is an American treasure, who you’re going to love hanging out with.

You’re listening to Christopher Lochhead: Follow Your Different. We are the real dialogue podcast for people with a different mind. So get your mind in a different place, and hey ho, let’s go.

Bruce Feiler and his book’s effect

One of Bruce’s books is titled “Life is in the Transitions,” which explores the idea that nearly half of our lives are spent in various transitions. The book delves into personal experiences, including Bruce’s own life upheavals, such as battling cancer, facing financial troubles, and dealing with family crises. He explains how society tends to undervalue and stigmatize these transitional periods while glorifying stability.

Bruce’s mission is to normalize and understand the growth potential in these unsettled phases, encouraging people to embrace them as opportunities for renewal and transformation. The book has resonated with readers who recognize and appreciate the validation it provides for the complex emotions and experiences they encounter during life’s transitions.

Bruce Feiler on the notable lack of life transition books at 40

When asked why he thinks there’s not a lot of books like his on the shelves, Bruce shares that it was mainly because society has traditionally undervalued and stigmatized these periods. The focus has been on achieving stability and success, neglecting the importance of understanding and embracing life’s transitions.

However, Bruce says that recent societal changes, including the decline of organized religion and shifts in the workforce, have led to a growing interest in searching for meaning in life and work. People are no longer content with viewing work as a mere source of income but are seeking work with purpose and significance.

This shift in perspective has sparked a renewed interest in exploring life transitions and finding meaning in these transformative phases, especially for professionals who are still pursuing their careers in their 40s and beyond.

The power of work vs fame

The conversation then shifts to the power of work over fame, and the importance of focusing on the craft rather than seeking balance. Bruce praises the Christopher’s diverse and successful career and emphasizes that legendary individuals are not known for balance.

For Christopher, he finds Bruce’s commitment to the work quite amazing, and despite achieving fame and success, he remains grounded and humble. Bruce attributes his continued passion and joy to finding a path that aligns with his talents. They agree that the best work comes from dedicated effort and stepping away from distractions to focus on the creative process.

To hear more from Bruce Feiler and how to make the most out of yourself during your transitions, download and listen to this episode.


Bruce Feiler


Connect with Bruce Feiler!

Bruce’s Website | Twitter | LinkTree

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Christopher Lochhead: Follow Your Different™! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and subscribe on iTunes!

324 Peak Performance Aging with Steven Kotler, NYTimes bestselling author of Gnar Country

FYD EPISODE 324 Steven Kotler

The story we’ve been told our entire lives is that as we get older, we decline physically. But what if we could become more legendary as we age? We discuss this and so much more with our legendary guest, Steven Kotler.

Science-based Human Performance Guru Steven Kotler is back in his fantastic new book Gnar Country: Growing old, Staying Rad. Steven lays out how cutting-edge discoveries in embodied cognition flow science, and network neuroscience have revolutionized how we think about peak performance aging.

In this radically different conversation, you’ll learn how to embrace peak performance aging in your life. This is a fun, fascinating and deeply insightful conversation with one of our favorite thinkers.

You’re listening to Christopher Lochhead: Follow Your Different. We are the real dialogue podcast for people with a different mind. So get your mind in a different place, and hey ho, let’s go.

Steven Kotler writes a book about me

The conversation starts off about the new book that Steven has written, called Gnar Country.  Christopher expresses his gratitude to Steven for writing the book and acknowledges his admiration and respect for him. However, Christopher also tells Steven that it has challenged his comfortable outlook on life.

The book centers around the idea of not being “dead before you’re dead,” encouraging readers to embrace mission-style challenges in the second half of their lives. Steven clarifies that he doesn’t mean Christopher has to go surf Mavericks, a famous surfing spot known for its enormous waves. But rather that engaging in difficult and fulfilling activities can be transformative. For Steven, the second half of life is presented as an opportunity for growth and exploration.

Getting back to Gnar Country

Christopher, who had been easing into a more relaxed lifestyle, confesses that he was getting used to being “dead” in a figurative sense – finding comfort in smoking at home, enjoying the garden, and taking leisurely walks. However, after reading Steven’s book, he feels inspired and reminded of the adventures he used to embark on with his friend Al Ramadan. Christopher mentions how he and Al would take annual trips for adrenaline-fueled activities like surfing, skiing, and scuba diving.

Coincidentally, as Christopher reads the book, he receives an email from Al Ramadan, proposing a future surf and dive trip for their group of friends. This timing strengthens Christopher’s belief that the universe, through Steven and Al, is nudging him to return to thrilling and challenging adventures in “Gnar country”.

Steven Kotler on Park Skiing in your 50s

The conversation then focuses on Steven Kotler’s experience of teaching himself park skiing at the age of 50. This is despite conventional beliefs that learning such skills becomes impossible after a certain age. Steven explains that there has been scientific research done in the past 20-25 years that challenges the traditional view of aging, which assumes a gradual decline in physical and mental abilities. He emphasizes the “use it or lose it” principle, stating that with continued training and practice, individuals can maintain their skills far longer than previously thought.

As a skier himself, Christopher initially finds it incredulous that Steven attempted to learn park skiing in his 50s. He recounts a personal experience of attempting a park maneuver in his early 40s and how risky it was as he continued. Christopher expresses his surprise at Steven’s determination and adventurous spirit, acknowledging the challenges and potential dangers associated with park skiing.

This further showcase Steven’s pursuit of pushing boundaries and defying age-related limitations by taking on the challenge of park skiing in his 50s, which is pretty rad, in our opinion.

To hear more from Steven Kotler and how to live in Gnar Country, download and listen to this episode.


Steven Kotler is a New York Times bestselling author, an award-winning journalist, and the Executive Director of the Flow Research Collective.

Steven is one of the world’s leading experts on human performance.

He is also the author of 11 bestsellers (out of fourteen books), including The Art of Impossible, The Future is Faster Than You Think, Stealing Fire, The Rise of Superman, Bold and Abundance.

His work has been nominated for two Pulitzer Prizes, translated into over 50 languages, and has appeared in over 100 publications, including the New York Times Magazine, Wired, Atlantic Monthly, Wall Street Journal, TIME, and the Harvard Business Review.


Check out Steven’s new book!

Gnar Country: Growing Old, Staying Rad

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Christopher Lochhead: Follow Your Different™! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and subscribe on iTunes!

180 How Important is Framing, Naming, & Claiming a Problem? | Pirates Perspective

On this episode, we are presenting some Pirates Perspective from our newsletter, Category Pirates.

Eddie Yoon, Christopher Lochhead and Katrina Kirsch of Category Pirates discuss why it’s crucial to frame, name, and claim a problem when designing a category and marketing it to customers. They also discuss why companies struggle to articulate their problems, and explain what happens if they fail to properly language it.

Welcome to Lochhead on Marketing. The number one charting marketing podcast for marketers, category designers, and entrepreneurs with a different mind.

The three most important things a company does at the highest levels

When asked about the problem that category design solves, Christopher emphasizes three key aspects. Firstly, it is important to believe that there are three crucial elements for a successful company: designing a legendary company/business model, offering legendary products/services, and creating a legendary category. These three aspects are considered the most important things a company does. If someone does not agree with this belief, he thinks that there is no basis for further discussion.

Secondly, it is necessary to acknowledge the significance of taking ownership and authorship of the category. If someone is willing to assume this responsibility, then assistance can be provided. However, if they are not interested in this aspect, there is no intention to convince or persuade them.

“That’s the difference between you walking in the dojo and us standing outside the dojo and dragging you into it.”

– Christopher Lochhead

Would you rather capture the 76% or compete for the 24%?

Eddie Yoon emphasizes the importance of category design in capturing the market. He argues that if one does not recognize the significance of category design, then other considerations become irrelevant. If it is agreed that category design is important, it must be acknowledged that it should be pursued wholeheartedly.

Eddie suggests that the question of why naming, framing, and claiming are important is essentially a question about the importance of category design itself. He states that if one does not understand the essence of category design, they cannot effectively address the first question.

He presents a scenario where capturing 76% of the category economics is compared to competing for the remaining 24% with a better or faster, cheaper version. Eddie suggests that many people are actually comfortable with the smaller percentage because it is familiar and known. However, if someone is content with competing for the smaller share, Eddie acknowledges their choice and states that traditional business strategies and teachings will suffice for that situation.

Ultimately, Eddie highlights the importance of understanding one’s preference for a larger or smaller market share and reframing the perspective accordingly.

Unlearning the 24% way

Eddie Yoon discusses the necessity of unlearning old and “comfortable” ways in order to capture the 76% of the market. He emphasizes that choosing to pursue the larger market share requires a significant amount of unlearning.

Part of this unlearning process involves freeing oneself to focus on understanding and articulating the problem at hand. Eddie compares it to Mark Twain’s quote about not having time to write a short letter, which highlights the importance of concise and effective communication. Framing, naming, and claiming the problem are essential because without the ability to express it clearly, important details can be lost in subsequent conversations with coworkers, investors, or customers. This loss of clarity can lead to a diluted understanding of the value proposition.

Eddie explains that without a clear understanding of the problem and its articulation, customers may not perceive the worth or premium of the product or service, investors may question the multiple premiums, and employees may not see the value of choosing the company over competitors focusing on the smaller market share.

Don’t forget to grab a copy (or gift!) of one of our best-selling books:

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Lochhead on Marketing™! Christopher loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and subscribe on iTunes!

323 Being Different, Raising Different Kids with Kayla Taylor, Bestselling Author of Canaries Among Us

FYD EPISODE 323 Kayla Taylor

The most powerful thing you can be is 100% yourself, and specifically be the things that make you different, yet uniquely you. But we live in a world that values sameness that drives conformity, that lack of openness to different can cause significant problems for adults, and even more so for kids. We discuss all these and more with our guest, Kayla Taylor.

Kayla Taylor is the author of Canaries Among Us, a Mother’s quest to honor her child’s individuality in a culture determined to negate it. If you’re different, you love someone who’s different, or have a child in your life who’s different. You’re going to love this conversation with Kayla.

Pay special attention to the part of this dialogue about how we’re all grappling with being caring and sensitive to the needs of others and on the other hand, not being so overly careful that we can’t say anything to anybody about anything for fear of being criticized or canceled.

You’re listening to Christopher Lochhead: Follow Your Different. We are the real dialogue podcast for people with a different mind. So get your mind in a different place, and hey ho, let’s go.

Kayla Taylor on receiving appreciation for her work

Kayla expresses gratitude for when people give their time and validation of her work. She describes her book as a vulnerable endeavor and admits to considering not publishing it multiple times. She recalls expecting critical reviews, which almost led her to give up. However, a positive review convinced her to continue.

Kayla feels a sense of obligation to address the stigmatized issues covered in her book and support others who may be going through similar experiences. She acknowledges that while others have written about similar topics, they often reflect on childhood experiences or feel restricted by privacy concerns. She believes there is a lack of literature capturing the current challenges of raising children with learning differences who face bullying, and she wants to fill that gap and offer support to others in similar situations.

Kayla Taylor on writing under a pseudonym

When asked as to why she wrote under a pseudonym, Kayla explains that she couldn’t find a memoir from a parent in the midst of dealing with issues such as bullying, learning differences, and anxiety. She desired a book that captured the present moment and felt poignant.

However, she also wanted to respect her children’s privacy and avoid publicly shaming individuals, including the children who behaved poorly. She believed that all children should have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and grow without enduring public shaming. To protect people’s privacy, avoid shame, and honor her own principles, she chose to write under a pseudonym.

Additionally, through her research on different forms of victimization, Kayla discovered that society often fails to support and center those who have been victimized. She didn’t want to contradict her belief in prioritizing victims’ privacy and autonomy by publishing a book that would potentially expose everyone involved. Thus, she decided to use a pseudonym to maintain consistency.

Understanding Learning Differences

Kayla discusses her journey into understanding learning differences when her child faced bullying for being unique and different. Through research, she discovered that one in five people have diagnosable learning differences, including dyslexia and ADHD. However, this statistic doesn’t account for other factors such as sensory processing, mental health issues, and physical impairments that affect learning. She criticizes the education system for being designed during the Second Industrial Revolution, focusing on standardization and neglecting individual strengths.

Christopher shares his own experience of having multiple discernible learning differences and emphasizes that being radically different left him with no choice but to embrace his uniqueness. Despite not having a GED, he became the head of marketing at a publicly traded software company.

Kayla acknowledges that many successful individuals, including Albert Einstein, dropped out of school or struggled within the rigid system. She highlights famous scientists and CEOs who are believed to have learning differences, such as dyslexia and autism spectrum traits, to challenge the notion that such differences hinder capability. The conversation emphasizes the need to recognize and value individuals for who they are rather than conforming to a rigid educational system.

To hear more from Kayla Taylor and how being unique in a world of sameness is actually a good thing, download and listen to this episode.


About Kayla Taylor

Kayla Taylor writes to address important issues plaguing families, and she uses a pseudonym to protect the identities of minors and other vulnerable individuals.

She supports organizations that promote mental health, neurodiversity, and bullying prevention.


Connect with Kayla Taylor!

Kayla’s Wesbite

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